The time for blame is not now

We’ve all been a party to the blame game that is going around the world along with the Coronavirus. Hard-core Republicans blame the Democrats: it’s a plot to further the continuance of the impeachment of Donald Trump.

The Democrats blame Trump for not having the foresight to see what was coming and to deal with it effectively. He failed to plan, planned to fail, etc. It’s a Chinese plot. No, the actor Woody Harrelson bizarrely blames 5g. That’s right, the new wireless technology created the Coronavirus.

Now, I’m not a scientist but the last I remember from school, viruses aren’t created by signals. Maybe after lighting up, Woody heard the word cells, as it relates to viruses and thought that they meant cell, like his phone.

Regardless, who to blame doesn’t achieve anything at this time and it’s not time to score political points by pointing fingers. It’s distracting the professionals who we need to combat this thing. We have people that are trying their best every day to help people, to find a vaccine, to ensure that the spread of this ends and that we can return to normal.

President Trump is at his best when he stays presidential and acts as a leader, in other words, stay on script and stop ad-libbing. In his daily briefing, his constant ad-libbing detracts from the good that he is doing. Describing the planes that carry the PPE to our country as ‘big planes, really, really big planes, they’re huge’ comes off as childish. We know what planes that transport commercial goods look like.

Conversely, giving credit to people like Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Newsom sounds like words from a leader, until…the next sentence takes a swipe at another governor, from Illinois who ‘complains’ about him.

So regardless of what side you’re on, there will be plenty of blame to go around…later. Right now the focus must remain on containing, mitigating and then eliminating this virus. If Trump can limit what he says, stay away from being upset that no one is talking about his ‘ratings being better than’ The Bachelor, Spongebob, Fox, whatever, he’d come off as what he wants to be: a wartime-like president.

But he has to realize that this isn’t about him…this is about us. We don’t care about his ratings, how great he thinks he is, how smart he is, smarter than all the doctors. We simply care about results. We don’t need leadership that pats themselves on the back; we need a leader that pats others on the back.

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